childs wish NEEDS OUR HELP

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TimW Texas
Posts: 14
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childs wish NEEDS OUR HELP


Post by TimW Texas »

Tim read this email I got from childs wish and let me know if you know someone that can help these folks. i work with them here in NC. There like Make a wish but they grant fishing and hunting trips Thank you John Cranford

Child with life threating illness

I also have a 9 year old little girl near San Antonio, TX that would like to go deep sea fishing. When you get a moment would you like to post that one too? Have them contact me directly at or (715) 884-2256
Brigid O'Donoghue,

CEO and Founder

United Special Sportsman Alliance

This is a email I got just a little while ago. What can we do to make this happen for this little girl Thanks TIM I can help supply tackle