Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1

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Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by mojomizer »

Testing......... Moving my post over here.

Wow that was a long day!!!!!! You see my storage area opens up at 6 AM and locks down at 9 PM. So it means for me getting the boat out the previous evening and parking her at the ramp. My fishing day starts at 11pm the previous day. Sunset allows no sleeping in the lot. The loop hole I found was parking her at the wash down area and slowly wash the dust off of her and have Carol sleep in the truck. 2:30 AM launch her.... travel out of the harbor and pick up some live sardines for bait. Chris had called in some favors to LB bait company and with the secret password "?????????" recieved a Tankful of reserved cured live bait. Cured bait, is bait that has been allowed to settle in the pens for sometimes weeks. The weak baits die off and leaves nothing but hot lively baits. The secret password even allowed me to get bait free of charge. A big thankyou $$$$ insures future usage. Huhhhhh??????

Off to the rigs to make some Mackerel baits using of couse some prototype Mojo-Lights:


Geeze couldn't even catch some mackerel ....... water was steaming everywhere I went, 76 degrees, not conducive for Mackerel baits and had me worried the warm water would kill even the cured baits. Out searching for cooler water put 40 miles without the fishing even starting. Carol sleeping on the beanbag kind of peacefully...... under threats of death had to erase those pics. 5 AM Head back in to the ramp to meet the motley crew.

Scott's awesome rig. For an older gal you can tell the owner really takes good care of her. Scott rinses the trailer down after he launches the Famous "Die Hard". Bayrunners have my respect of being a serious fishing machine.



Todd and Mark's solid sled. What a sweet 20 footer rigged up to do some serious killing.


Ohhh crud lost some pics and story "Great googly Moogly" will fix after Maggies Soccer Game.
Maggie wins 2-1 she is the star goalie!!!!!!!! blocked a dozen shots.
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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P2


Post by mojomizer »


Super Daves Monster Craft. She is the fastest in the fleet not to mention steal of the century. The ominous moon over Daves boat.


My Sled. Chris and Carol are nurses so I am taken care of. Thanks Chris for the secret password at the bait barge.


Now it's a wait for Wrong way Lester and the boys..... and wait ......and wait I am beginning to think it is a ploy to derail my offshore dreams.......... meanwhile we catch up on things and admire Scotts handiwork on the trident perpetual trophy.

Carol has aspirations of getting her name inscribed into history.


Todd, Myself and Dave with Trident. Dave ummm Dave you can let go of the trophy. Guess Dave has plans on holding on to her. Todd before his morning coffee.


Ahhhh the boys finally show up and it is time to shove off.



Lets go fishing!!!! I have 10 hours to accomplish my goal.


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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P3


Post by mojomizer »

The weather was sweet. The roar of the Honda 225 was even sweeter. As I rip towards the 181 I get side-tract on the 209. 74 degree clean cobalt blue water, a 50 yard bait-ball, porpoise (locally we call them ponies) Yellowfin tuna love hanging under the ponies, flocks of feeding birds (terns, petrels, and seagulls). What would you guys have done??????

Hope this video comes out, just turn the sound down:


Trolled Cedar Plugs, Trolled Rapalas, Trolled Tuna Feathers. Yo Yo'd Salas 5x jrs. Deep dropped Butterfly jigs for no love. I really thought it was go time. Hindsight Carol thinks I should have waited it out. I was determined to reach my goal of the 181 and beyond. Ooooooooops?????????

Water temps dropped 3 degrees in the following miles. Kelp Paddies every few miles loaded with bait. Acres of bait the fishfinders screen would turn solid red as the bait rushed the shiny aluminum. The weather started to slightly booger up but hey it was a tail wind :roll: Finally made it to the promised land. Found plenty of kelp paddies.


Unfortunately it looks like my buddy Super Dave has pilfered the area and my search continue to beyond down the "Ridge"
till my time limit is up. Handed Carol the helm, my turn for a power nap on the beanbag. Wake up wet as the wind picked up and was blowing water on me. (Noaa blows it again) predicted 10 knot winds 2 foot seas turns into 25 knots and 4 foot seas with ocassional 6 foot seas (Damn pot holes). Me 74 miles out into heading seas and 4 pm BBQ looming.

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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P4


Post by mojomizer »

Good Mojo weather in the morning.


Spirits are high by all. Love the anticipation of a fishing trip.


Umm...... Les don't do it. We do not need to see what Texas cleavage means



Les and Carol playing camera tag.


Out of the harbor and it's Hammer time I have lots of miles to cover and less then 10 hours to do it. To the 181 and beyond.

Hey Les and Wayne How did you like my computer system for trip planning??? Didn't even scratch the surface with weather, tides and current programs interfaced with Google Earth. (Ok a little bragging)

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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by mojomizer »

Wow finally get to use the windshield wipers. Have severe bed head from my nap on the bean bag.


Everyone dry and warm in the cabin. Heading to home port. I have to love how my Pacific handles in boogered up seas. 74 miles in 3 hours 40 minutes.

Trip log 40 miles previous night seaching for big baits and travel to bait barge. 177.45 miles chasing fish.
217.45 miles total trip empty fish holds. Sometimes fishing means meeting up with great friends new and old.



Seeing some great sights offshore


End to a great day.


Ohhh before Jetty starts chanting fish....... on previous trip


Thanks to all..... Special guests Peter and Eva, Lester and Wayne and all the locals who made it happen.

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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by welder »

Mark , you are to kind .
Your Map hooche on your PC is Totally AWESOME :thumbsup:

This may have to be a weekend event next year with the BBQ on Sunday afternoon, that means two days of fishing .
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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by skfmj »

Hey Mark,

Looks like a great time. Sorry I could not attend. I was actually trying to catch Montana Cutthroats at Trout Lake in Yellowstone National Park on the day of the M&G. Oh well maybe next year. Two years in a row I have had a conflict with with the M&G and going to MT for trout.

BTW I sympathize with your run to the 181. Did it yesterday. Had a belly full of sardines from Newport Bait. They gave a nice size scoop and I was stoked. Unfortunately it was not very cured and most of them were red sides. Half were dead by 8 am. Must be that crappy 42 gallon Offshore bait system Kenny but on our boats, it just can't keep the marginal bait alive. The neat thing was I did not need a bait net to grab them out of the tank, and they did not wiggle too much when I hooked them.

The run to the 181 turned out to be as good as my bait. Water temp on the 181 fell to 66F it was not much better than that at the 209. I did not see any significant kelps. Stopped a couple of times on small stringers. There also seem to be a lot of traffic out there. It was almost like being in Yellowstone National Park. If you stop on the road in the Park with a camera people will stop and start looking at what you are taking a picture of, even if it nothing. This creates lots of traffic jams in YNP. Anyway I would stop and someone and come roaring in to check me out. One time I was just stopping to take a pee. I even had the Patriot (Newport Landing) come in on a small stringer I was drifting near the 209 and run around it and roar off. My guess he was metering it to see if there were any fish around. The good news was the weather was not as bad as you had on the ride home.

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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by mojomizer »

We missed you and my sister ship......... Make a Jetty happy and post some pics of those beautiful Cutthroats. Show him what a real trout looks like :grin: . I guess next year will be a 2 day-er with BBQ on Sunday. That will give you plenty of time to plan. You will really enjoy meeting Welder and DaddyO.

You know the old adage about being burned Twice. DP 209,43,182.181 Sunday with Super. Great flaming ball of Alloy

Meant to send you these pics. The beautiful sister ship: Sorry cell phone pictures.







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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1




I have to say one thing.......YOU my friend, are the man! Between Scott and yourself, I don't feel so far away.
Thanks for taking the time to do the documentary of the M&G '09. With all the other photos everyone has posted, I easily can put it all together.

"Big W" said you did some serious travelling. But I didn't realize to what extent.

Over here on this coast you'd bhe considered a 100% VIKING! I cannot believe you go thru so much. From start to finish.....Carol sleeping in the Truck???
WOW, hang on to that one. I could name about 5 gals right now that would tell you to go fly your fishing pole elsewhere, if that's what it meant to go fishin' offshore.

You my friend need to make that trip here some day, and I'll show ya how the other half lives.
Life is EZ for me, it has to be. I'm talkin relaxation...and the 12 hr day is spent wetting a line the whole time.

My gawd....just getting bait I think would have me too tired to fish.
You did how many miles round trip? And back to the dock to meet up with everyone?
Exemplory is all I can say. You may call it the "SOP" of fishing. But not me.

Can ya believe if I have to go 14 miles round trip to catch my "REAL" Trout.....I'm getting pissed off because I see "profits" being spent! (real T-Rex trouts, live in salty water..... :wink: :wink: )

Two things I'd love to do:

Of course go visit S.E. Louisinana, then move there for 6 months a year.

and number two, I'd love to be at M&G 2010, for at least two days. I wanna see ya'll and see what you do there. I'd love to dip my feet into that cold azz water, and find it refreshing over our 83 degree water here, that's like bath water.

And you can bet yer azz, I ain't riding along on anything but a big bad Pacific.

By the way,
You never said what your grand plan actually was. You travelled more miles than I do in a year. But what were you huntin'?
A giant Zane Gray sized Broadbill?
Or one of them GIANT Speckled Trout ya'll call Bass?

And one last thing.....
I know it may take years to accomplish. But I believe in the future people may "pencil this in" on their calendar. So they aren't busy, have other plans, or are getting married (or divorced) on the M&G weekend. If they were on the other side of the farkin country, they'd be envious. Like me.

I'm so glad W and Daddy-O made it out yonder.

Just in case you need a fish fix. (Sharks ain't F-i-s-h) :wink: :wink:
Here's what I've been doing. The fall ritual.......BRUTUS T. REDFISH.
If you can believe this.......not 2 miles from the boat ramp!!!!!!
On Blue crabs.
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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by mojomizer »

Thankyou for the kind words.....Well Jetty we are all not to far away ......we are all alloy brothers. You should come on down and bring your dad to the 2010 meet and greet and what I truly think as no better people in the world. We would love people from all corners of this great nation and planet to show up enjoy the food, the conversations and camaraderie. Them Texas boys are fun to hang with. The Aussies have such a love for adventure and life. It is great to be part of the Alloy nation we call AAb.

Jetty that blue crab looks tasty...........bring the butter.

As a special note Check out Capt. G's post .... Now I know what the G means.... Giants..... Wow (Charter and guide section)

On that note time to go Fishin

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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1



Oh yeah!!
I saw Cappy G's BIG FISH......that baby caught my eye right away.

That may have meant a really long boat ride too, but worth it. (if I ever could get there with you I wanna ride in your cabin, and see what its like)

Does anyone know if that's a $$$ (dollar sign fish) Sold to the nearest sushi buyer?
(I'll have to ask Cappy G)
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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by welder »

Yes, that was a MONEY fish.

In his post , G said he called his broker then headed in to the COMMERCIAL dock to unload .

Not only to he get to put his son on a VERY NICE TUNA but it looks like it made a nice paycheck also.

Well done Capt. G and George Jr. :thumbsup:
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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by S L Dave »

How does that work? Does the capt and client split the money when they catch a market fish?
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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1



It's you have to own about 20K in permits to sell almost any fish caught offshore!
There's loop holes galore, and illegal sales a plenty, but ya ain't pulling up and offloading your fish all that EZ. (even if we had tuna like that)

I was legally selling Bullshet fish many moons ago, and the man with the strip down his pressed trousers came in behind me and not only wanted to bust me, but the seafdood market I did business with.......unsuccessfully I might add. He was a giant PR_CK!

I often wonder and I also ask them when they're harrassing me;

"are you protecting the resource from me or for me?"
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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by AlloyToy »

MAN!!! Awesome post, coverage, and pics :thumbsup:

MoJo that spot in the video looked like Charlie ><)))*> should be there somewhere that's my vote WOW!!! had everything you needed :clap:

I really like that cabin MoJo how is it passing between the side boxes and the cabin tight? manageable?

This whole post made me feel like I was there :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
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Re: Now for the rest of the story... 09 WC M&G P1


Post by mojomizer »

Alloytoy....... plenty of room for my short fat buttocks to move around on. The rail is 1 1/2 inch round alloy and would be almost impossible to fall out of. The 5 foot casting deck is perfect for run and gunning mayhem. Perfect for chasing our local Marlin.


Plus great for the kid:


and assorted hitch hikers:


Love the welds:


I want to see your Mondo Slug of a Bluefin. Go get em.

2325 Wa Pacificskiff
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