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SAVE $$$$$ on Jigs for free styling, try these:

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:47 pm
Everyone from one side of the planet to the other has at one time read, written, spoke, or heard the complaints about how much a true Shimano Butter fly jig costs...
well have ya priced any of the jigs like the super genuines???
As in from here: ... gory_id=35

Well being a part-time jigger, who only gets to do it under certain conditions and circumstances, I don't want to spend those bucks either.
Which lead me to think "old school".

What Old School jig worked great and is damn near the same thing.
I'm not high speed jigging for Tuna. I'm not off the coast of New Zealand jigging for Dog-tooths or Wahoo.

I'm catching AJ's, maybe a King Mackerel, a Red Snapper hopefully. What I'd refer to as non-exotic species, and not from a far off land, but rather my own back yard.

CRIPPLED HERRING, by Luhr Jensen..."the good Swed", Yeah.

But finding heavy enough "CH's" isn't gonna happen in J-ville, Florida!!
So I got to surfing. And found and ordered mine from here, 4, 5, 7.5 oz Crippled Herrings. - "cheaper yet"
OR -"more"

You mean to tell me these ain't the same sort of jig as a $22.00 Shimano jig?

Well, I'll let ya know, because at this price I can buy (4)-4oz., (4)-5oz. & (4)-7.5oz
I get rid of that too light of Siwash hook that theyu come with, add a split and solid ring and two assist hooks and I'm down town brown!

Getting jiggy on the cheap........leave me $$ for fuel.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:27 pm
Just recieved my L.J. Crippled Herrings in 4, 5, & 7.5oz. from Shark River mail order. They have the best prices. Link is above in initial post.

Can't wait to try them, I believe they'll do as good as any $21 Shimano jig.

Huge problemo! Water temps in NE Fla. in August are in the 70's.

Oppp's there goes any gettin jiggy till the next hurricane goes by and suck this water out here.

Fishing really sucks.