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Fitting a DEEP Drop Reel

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:50 am
by peterbo3
Hi all,
I have been a bit slow with my posting but stuff happens. It is written on the front of Forrest Gump's T-shirt.
So last year when we were inthe US I got a great deal on an Electra-Mate 620 XP coupled with a Penn 114 half filled with 80lb braid on a Star rod for way too little cash. So I put the sucker on a while ago but we yet to blood it. Weather, wind, lack of crew, all the usual excuses.
I got a Marinco plug/socket set, some 8 gauge wire & a big Blue Sea 80A breaker & went to work. You say 80A is too big............. well this reel draws 69A at sunset & the 8AWG wire is rated to around 90A so we are good.
This the motor drive & power cable.
Close up. No reel fitted but this is a big unit.
Plug & socket, fuly waterproofed but you can't see that. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Looking up from below the gunnel. Shows the back of the socket & a LED which lights up the deck only at night.
8AWG wire with a heatshrink crimp ring terminal by NSPA prior to heat being applied.
Breaker with wires attached. Both wires are "hot" when the circuit is closed hence the rubber boots.
Solar charger with regulator. Cheap power.
Batteries with power feed. I have a Voltage Sensing Relay fitted so both batts are always fully charged.

I topped up the 114 with 600 yards of Jerry Brown 80ld hollowcore so we have about 1200 yards of line. I hope to catch some deep dwellers soon & will post pics.

Re: Fitting a DEEP Drop Reel

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:33 pm
by mojomizer
Hello PeterBo How are you and EvaBo doing?????

Brilliant work you have been doing on setting up for the Deep Drop.

80 Amps Holey moley ......... That would be alot of Squirrels turning that Hamster Wheel.... wait Australia does not have indigenous squirrels or allow the import of hamsters (smart Country). Well maybe a very large wheel and some Afghans. (the dogs you silly people).

How does the Solar Panels work.... made by who and where??????

I bet you are going to catch some fish that will make the Australian biologist scratch their heads :rotfl: Catch some deep Red Emporers for me (pictures Please).

Please show us some rigging and weights you are using..... Bait, jigs and hooks.

You know Carolmizer is talking visiting some family friends in the OZ in March..... Oi......Oi......Oi

Re: Fitting a DEEP Drop Reel

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:06 pm
by peterbo3
Hi Mark,
We are fine. Eva has been on a new medication program & it works really well. Carol in March............... you coming?
I will phone you at home tomorrow night. Give our regards to Carol & Maggie. :highfive: :highfive:
Panels are made in PRC & the regulator is local. Can be set for standard lead acid or AGM batteries. I have the AGMs.
The Red Emporers live in anything from 100 to 450 feet so this reel will not be used on them. I will tell you about on the phone.

Re: Fitting a DEEP Drop Reel

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:38 pm
by goatram
That is a slow way. I have used one similar to the one picture (Fish Winch) mated to the Penn Reel. Jay aka Plumbwolf brought them twice for fishing Halibut in 450' to 500' I could beat it by hand. At 1200' I might need one thou.

Re: Fitting a DEEP Drop Reel

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:43 am
by peterbo3
Hi John,
I have about 1200 yards of Jerry Brown Hollowcore on the 114. It is right up to the spool shoulders ATM but I will let it go in some really deep water & it will hopefully tighten down nicely pulling up 10 pounds of rebar. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We plan to chase Blue Eyed Trevalla & Bar Cod aka Hapuka in a minimum of 1000 feet. It will have the disco LEDs & all the other strange stuff associated with deep droppping.
I will be posting pics IF we catch some critters. So SILENCE = FAILURE. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Fitting a DEEP Drop Reel

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:22 am
by mojomizer
Look forward on hearing from you :thumbsup:

Wow there are some nasty beasties down there. Once as a deck hand, one of those came up snagged...... pink slimey. The lady was yelling take it off the hook........ I cut her line and gave her a new hook.

If a Slime Eel is snagged up on your expensive rigging , what will you do??????

Can you believe there is a market for those fish